Gynecology is the specialty dedicated to women that studies and treats the vulva, vagina, uterus, tubes, ovaries and breasts. In our consultation dedicated to gynecological health we have expanded our services so that you have a more comprehensive and personalized attention where you will have access to the following services:
- Family planning
- Menopause
- Colposcopy
- CO2 vaginal laser
- Hormone replacement therapy (Sotopelle)
- Gynecological check-up
Family planning and contraceptives
In an intimate, close environment and prior analysis, we will give you multiple tips on the most suitable contraceptive method for the couple. We will explain how to use it and (if necessary) we will also show you how to place it correctly. We will do all this for you, devices such as: IUD, implants, vaginal rings, among others.
Menopause and treatment of its symptoms
Menopause is the physiological stage of a woman’s life in which the ovaries stop producing eggs and menstrual periods end. It is a retrospective diagnosis, we speak of menopause when one year has passed since the last period and there has been no menstrual bleeding. It usually occurs on average at 50 years of age. Depending on the age at which it occurs, it may be:
- Primary ovarian failure (Premature menopause): Before age 40.
- Early menopause: Between ages 40 and 45.
- Late menopause: After age 55.
- Climacteric: This is the broad period in a woman’s life in which the progressive transition from the reproductive state or fertile period of life to the non-reproductive period occurs, and which includes the following phases:
- Perimenopause: This is the period in months or years that precedes menopause. It is usually accompanied by alterations in the menstrual cycle.
- Menopause: The definitive cessation of menstruation.
- Postmenopause: The period that follows menopause. During this phase, complications and symptoms appear due to the lack of hormones that will be established slowly and progressively over the years.
If you are close to 50 and have begun to experience mood swings, insomnia or menstrual disorders, we can help you with natural or medical treatments to improve your symptoms and feel healthy. We perform gynecological checkups and tests that will then corroborate our diagnosis.
A colposcopy is a way to get a magnified view of the cervix. It is a quick and easy way to detect cellular changes in the cervix that could turn into cancer.
After having a liquid cytology with us, which is a new technique, and having been diagnosed with the presence of HPV (human papillomavirus), we will perform the typing, that is, we diagnose the type of virus, whether high or low risk, and then a colposcopic study is done that allows us to corroborate the diagnosis and carry out an appropriate treatment.
Colposcopy is a simple outpatient test in which stains are performed on the cervix and in this way we can detect lesions and perform a biopsy. This test does not last more than 10 minutes. We will have to send the samples to the laboratory to then treat them. Find out more at our consultation and we will explain everything to you in great detail.
CO2 vaginal laser
It is a simple and novel outpatient technique that we will begin to use in our practice for vaginal rejuvenation among many other procedures. Before performing it, we recommend a gynecological examination, urine test and vaginal culture.
The number of sessions is individualized according to each clinical case, on average 3 sessions are performed with a separation of 4-5 weeks between them. Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes, but taking into account the previous preparation time, the total duration is approximately 45 minutes. In some cases, a booster session after a year may be advisable.
Gel should not be used on the vulva or vagina in the week before treatment so that the area is as dry as possible, and thus improve the effect of the laser. On the other hand, it is advisable that the area to be treated is previously shaved.
There are no negative consequences, the application only acts on the treated area. This procedure increases collagen and elastin production to a depth of no more than (0.03 mm), although some patients report a slight sensation of heat that disappears within a few hours.
As for post-treatment care, no additional care is required.special, only the usual sanitary hygiene measure.
We can treat:
- Mild and moderate stress urinary incontinence (when coughing, laughing, exercising)
- Vaginal atrophy (dryness, pain during sexual intercourse, and irritation)
- Postpartum vaginal hyperlaxity (decreased sensitivity after childbirth)
- Benign lesions of the vulva and cervix (Bartholin gland duct cyst, acrochordon or squamous cell papilloma, molluscum contagiosum, psoriasis, condylomata acuminata, sebaceous cysts of the vulva, hemangiomas, Skene’s cyst, chronic cervicitis, and other conditions.
- Human papillomavirus or HPV (lesions at the level of the cervix, vulva, and vagina).
- Recurrent vaginal infections (restores the pH and vaginal vascularization, helps change the flora
- Labiaplasty (reduction of the labia minora, whether due to congenital causes or hanging lips that cause discomfort from rubbing against underwear).
- Genital whitening (whitening and discoloration of the vulva).
- Perinoplasty (increases muscle tone and elasticity of the pelvic floor).
Hormone replacement therapy – Bioidentical hormones
It is a treatment that is performed by master formulation (it is a medicine intended for an individual patient, prepared by a pharmacist) in a personalized way for all those patients who want hormonal therapy.
They are placed as a subdermal implant very easily and it is a therapy that is repeated between 3 and 4 times a year after performing hormonal analyses, tumor markers, mammography, bone densitometry, vaginal ultrasound and cytology. These tests are repeated once a year and you can use the treatment as many years as you want without fear of stopping them and having forgotten menopausal symptoms reappear.
Gynecological Check-up
The gynecological check-up involves a series of activities that we carry out in the consultation with the aim of improving your health, preventing or diagnosing and treating gynecological diseases. In our consultation with a very friendly and personalized treatment you can have a gynecological check-up that consists of
- Liquid cytology with detection of HPV (papillomavirus)
- If you wish, a vaginal ultrasound and a physical breast exam
- Depending on the results, additional tests or examinations