When to get tested for herpes
In general, it is recommended to get tested when you have symptoms that suggest a herpes infection. Testing is also recommended when there are risk factors, such as having a sexual partner diagnosed with herpes or having had unprotected sexual contact with a person who may be carrying herpes.
Herpes symptoms
- Blisters or blisters in the genital, oral, or ocular area
- Itching or tingling in the affected area
- Painful sores in the mouth, lips, or genital area
How to get tested
The most common way to find out if you have herpes is through a blood test. Make an appointment, come to our clinic and we will draw your blood in a few minutes. Within a maximum of 72 hours our laboratory will send us the results and we will send them to you by WhatsApp or email with the utmost confidentiality.
The herpes test costs €60. The test includes the detection of both types of herpes: herpes type I (HSV-1, or oral herpes) and herpes type II (HSV-2, or genital herpes).